Mood Swings

Understanding Mood swings versus deficiencies


Children’s nutrition is extremely important, this is why is it essential to monitor the foods that is being consumed by your child. Learning the difference between a child’s deficiency, their lack of nutrients and vitamins, versus just a bad mood will help in making better food choices which includes the correct nutrition for each child.


Gut health which in technical terms is known as ‘Brain Axis’is essentially what is linked to the health of the brain. A healthy tummy means a healthy gut which in essence will help with mood swings and overall wellbeing of the digestive system.


How to know if your child is deficient in vital nutrients:


Does your child have a poor appetite? Do they only desire foods high in sugar? It is highly likely that your child is missing out on important nutrients such as Vitamin C which have important functions such as helping to protect cells to keep them healthy and the overall general health of the brain which is linked to the contribution of one’s mood.


Overconsumption of any high intake of sugar can even include dried or fresh fruit taken in large doses can have a harmful effect. It is all about balance.


Practical ways to improve stress/bad moods

Taking walks in woodlands which help the body to consume the oxygen from the trees will give the brain chemistry a calming influence. This is called ‘Forest Bathing’in Japan and has been prescribed by doctors out there.




Things that destroy a healthy gut:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • High consumption of sugar
  • Over-exercising  


Foods to contribute to a healthy gut:

  • Olive Oil
  • Beets
  • Almonds
  • Live Yogurt
  • Kimchi